Put simply, it depends on how well you look after your cars' air conditioning system. Regular inspection and servicing by a qualified mechanic can ensure continued reliable and efficient operation, which can help to lower your fuel consumption overall.
Carrington Street Auto Repairs (AU36166) are the logical choice to take charge of all your Vehicle Air Conditioner Regas, Repairs, Inspection or Servicing needs in Adelaide and the surrounding areas.
Todays vehicles are sometimes complex and just like the engine your car air conditioner has components that need to be serviced or replaced on a regular basis to ensure continued reliable and efficient operation.
Evaporation occurring naturally over time or leaks may reduce refrigerant pressure meaning your air con system will begin to deteriorate and will have to work harder, which in turn means you are using even more fuel. Therefore it is important to regularly appraise the condition of the rubber seals for any signs of leaks or decay which could be a warning of a loss of refrigerant.
A car air conditioning service every 12 months means you can help prevent costly breakdowns now and in the future, keep passengers safe by helping to prevent the build-up of potentially harmful substances and a well serviced vehicle air conditioner actually saves you money because it helps minimise fuel consumption.
Carrington Street Auto Repairs care about the environment and have Arctick Authorisation (AU36166) to reliably and responsibly conduct automotive air conditioning regas, repairs, inspection or servicing.
Open Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Welcome to Carrington Street Auto Repairs, a family operated business right in the heart of the Adelaide CBD, servicing and repairing the cars of local Adelaide clients and visitors since 1974.
Read moreDo you notice puddles under your car ? Does your temp gauge read hotter than normal ? Is your car overheating? Then it is best to have your cooling system checked over by a professional mechanic like Carrington Street Auto Repairs
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